The Arkansas Game and Fish awarded SCHS a $4,800 grant to form an archery team. Students participated in a virtual Arkansas 2021 NASP Regional Archery competition February 9th and 10th for a shot at competing at the Arkansas 2021 NASP State competition March 1-3. A list of the students who participated in the Regional Tournament are as follows: Madison Straughn-9th grade, Cameron Jackson -9th grade, Gabriel Wainwright-9th grade, Jasmine Ebbert-9th grade, Dakota Thompson-9th grade, Joe Harris-9th grade, Lucas Stone-9th grade, and Parker Story-12th grade
During the month of March we will also we holding registration for students interested in joining the High School Archery Tournament. Interested students can pick up a form from Mrs. April Reeves. Guidelines will be similar to the eligibility for sports activities per the Star City High School Handbook.
SCHS Receives Grant to Start Archery Program
February 26, 2021